Gritty faith

Our continuing midweek series across 2023 will explore 'Gritty Faith: twelve stories of women from the Old Testament'

The Bible contains remarkable stories of larger-than-life characters who often do amazing things under God's grace and providence. They are also seen as normal human beings with common faults, making them seem more real and not out of reach.

Not quite so well known and often less told are the stories of women of the Old Testament who often show exceptional resolve in the context of the surrounding pressures of the day, particularly the position of women in a patriarchal society.

Whether it be Sarah who might be seen as the mother of a new nation, Miriam who acted as her brother's guardian and thus had a profound effect on Israel, Rahab who showed faith and resource in a vitally difficult situation, Deborah prophet and judge who inspired the Israelites to victory. 

How about Ruth who showed faithfulness and the importance of relationship, Hannah who can help us understand the importance of prayer and worship, Michal who loved David and saved his life and Abigail who showed great sense and capability.

Bathsheba's story has consequences but somehow ties in with God's plan. Faith in small things is well represented by the widow at Zarephath and also with Naaman's wife's maid who also showed boldness and then there's Esther who's courage and character inspired a nation. What inspiration can be gleaned from these women whether in leadership and government or in more lowly day-to-day life which scripture deems similarly important.

Plan to join us in worship, teaching & communion together on the first Wednesday of each month: 11.30 am at St Paul's, Swanley Village. Our 2023 dates for your diary: 4th January, 1st February, 1st March, 5th April, 3rd May, 7th June, 5th July, 2nd August, 6th September, 4th October, 1st November & 6th December



