One Another

The circle of God’s ever-widening grace includes the gift and discomfort of life in community together. Our culture is ever-increasingly individualistic, and though we have a personal relationship with God, by grace through faith we become members of God’s family. Family and life together are an unavoidable reality in scripture…

The 'one another' commands are deeply intertwined in this life. Jesus always leads by example to encourage us to live a shared life with one another. There are more than sixty repetitions of ‘one another’ in the sweep of scripture, so we’ll lean into these with practices to help us integrate these into our lives.

We’re going to explore seven of these commands for our flourishing over the next few weeks, across our 0830, 1030 & Lifegroups particularly.

Here’s the series link to these gifts & challenges in this life of faith together for us all: with print copies available from St Peter’s or St Paul’s or the church office.


Ashburnham 2025


Easter 2024