Humility & the hand

Debbie Reeves spoke courageously and brilliantly as part of our ongoing Essentials series, in a recent 1030 congregation. This is what she shared…

“The subject of humility caught my attention about a month ago, so I’m by no means an expert on it, and I would like to humbly submit I’m a complete novice at being humble (cue laughter), BUT I know someone who is 100% humble and I can learn what true humility is by looking at Jesus.

In Matthew 11 28-30 Jesus said “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

I’m so glad that Jesus didn’t say ‘come to me all you who have got it all sussed, and are perfectly good’!!! I just want to encourage anyone who is feeling burdened and wearied by their own sin, or feelings of inadequacy. We qualify for Jesus’ promise …. Jesus said learn from Him and He will give you rest…. ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word, Just to rest upon His promise,

 I think this is one way I can humble myself before God by putting my feelings 2nd to Gods word and realising that my feelings are not the barometer of truth- Gods word is.

There are so many examples of Jesus’ humility in the Bible that we can learn from. All of us know about Jesus washing the disciples feet. What has always astounded me is the verse just before Jesus washed their feet. John 13 says ‘Jesus knew that the father had put all things under His power’, who else could know he had that much power and still wash your feet? I can’t imagine any world leader being so humble. Jesus said we are to follow his example of being a servant.

I spent at least week just looking at my hand (not 24-7), and if you ever catch me looking at my hand this is what I’m thinking. In Isaiah 40 It says that God marked off heaven by the span of His hand. I’m sure you all know that a span is from the tip of your thumb to the tip of your little finger. And then Jesus willingly opened up His hand and was nailed to the cross and crucified.

Charles Spurgeon said “Grace puts its hand on the boasting mouth, and shuts it once for all.”

I think that true humility starts with realising my self-worth comes from Jesus. He paid the highest price to save us. I am valuable because “the Lord of all creation became the crucified”. Knowing that my righteousness also comes from Jesus and is not my own as Johnny demonstrated so well, by dressing Joel in His coat. This is a great comfort to me ….. to know that ‘my righteousness’ does not depend on my works – I would be on continually slippery ground. No, I stand on solid rock dressed in Jesus’ righteousness. Grace certainly does put its hand across my boasting mouth!

As I said before I am at the beginning of my journey of clothing myself in humility, I’ll keep you updated when I get further down the road.”




Midweek congregation