Waterbugs and dragonflies

Bea shared this all-age moment in our 1030 congregation last week:

“When I was seven, My Dad died. Of course, then and even now, it is the most difficult thing I have been through. At the time that he died, My Mum gave me this story called Waterbugs and Dragonflies. It tells a story that explains in a simple and gentle way what happens when we die and tried to give simple answers to the sorts of questions we (not just children) as when someone dies.

Where have they gone?

Why did they have to go?

Why can't they come back?

Grief shows up in so many ways and at different moments. For many, the death of the Queen was a moment of collective grief and stirred memories of personal loss, and reminders of other bereavements closer to home.

This story, and the truth of the bible remind us that death is not the end. It reminds us that we have hope, a knowledge of what lies beyond this life. But it also reminds us that grief is still painful. Losing people we love is still hard.

Jesus tells us in John 16:33, "In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world." Grief and hope can coexist, and this simple story, and those words from Jesus, are a simple but beautiful reminder of that!”




Children and youth