
‘But-now’ is the invitation to change that only Jesus brings! 

It’s a messy, challenging world, and God’s word speaks into all of this. The word of God is always alive and active, and in our Sunday congregations and lifegroups series, we will explore eight different passages and themes that reflect the transforming differences that Jesus brings.

Jesus, in His earthly ministry, taught about a new relationship with God and with each other… living out the Kingdom of God. It was his sacrificial death and resurrection that brought about our rebirth; death to life, darkness to light, slavery to freedom and lost sheep into the fold of God’s love.

The Old Testament tells the relationship between God and humankind, and we can see how God revealed himself over the centuries, but there was always a looking forward to a special revelation, a Messiah. The events of Easter changed everything. We believe that when we accept Jesus as our Saviour and Lord our lives are dramatically changed. This may not be an experience like Paul had on the road to Damascus, but we know that our lives are changed, and if we allow Jesus, He will make us more like Himself. There was a then, but-now!

Here’s the resource for the next two months for personal or life group use. Print copies are available from the Vicarage, Church Office or in our Sunday congregations. ‘But-now’ is the invitation to grow into the life God always wants for us…


Christmas 2023

