We love sharing in life with you because we know that life with God changes everything!
We are a vibrant Anglican community on the Kent-London border: four congregations, two locations, and one church family. We’re part of the New Wine family, serving in the Dartford Deanery, Rochester Diocese, and the wider Church of England! We love God's word, the Holy Spirit's work, and life in community together. We are committed to loving God, growing family & increasing in hope. People of all ages and stages make up St Peter’s and St Paul’s, and there’s definitely room for you!
Revd Dr Johnny Douglas
8.30 weekly
Quieter contemplative service with communion at St Paul’s.
10.30 weekly
Lively family worship at St Peter’s.
Come to Church
Overflow worship, word & ministry at St Peter’s at 18.30 on the first Sunday of the month. Midweek at St Paul’s at 11.30 on the first Wednesday of the month.